import rijndael import struct """ An unoptimized, straightforward reference implementation of VMAC By Ted Krovetz ( -- Modified 22 April 2007 Code assumes (and may break otherwise): - All bitlengths are a multiple of 8 (ie, bytestrings) - BLOCKLEN/taglen = 2^i for some integer i. - L1KEYLEN/64 is an even integer """ # All lengths are bitlengths BLOCKLEN = 128 # block-length of block cipher in use KEYLEN = 128 # block-cipher key-length L1KEYLEN = 1024 # bits used for l1_hash (compression) M64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL M126 = 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL MP = 0x1FFFFFFF1FFFFFFF1FFFFFFF1FFFFFFFL # Mask for creating poly key P64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFL # 2^64 - 257 PP = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L # 2^64 - 2^32 P127 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL # 2^127 - 1 def kdf(cipher, index, numbits): # Allows upto 4KB output only l = [] # We will build list of blocks, then join n = (numbits+BLOCKLEN-1)//BLOCKLEN # ceil(numbits/BLOCKLEN) prefix = chr(index)+(chr(0) * 14) for i in range(n): l.append(cipher.encrypt(prefix+chr(i))) return (''.join(l))[:(numbits//8)] def pdf(cipher, nonce, taglen): tagsperblock = BLOCKLEN//taglen mask = tagsperblock-1 # Assumes tagsperblock in {1,2,4,8,16,...} index = ord(nonce[-1]) & mask tmpnonce = (chr(0)*(BLOCKLEN//8-len(nonce)))+nonce[:-1]+chr(ord(nonce[-1])-index) tmpblock = cipher.encrypt(tmpnonce) return tmpblock[index*(taglen//8):(index+1)*(taglen//8)] def nh(k, m): y = 0; for i in range(0,len(m),2): y += ( ((m[i]+k[i])&M64) * ((m[i+1]+k[i+1])&M64) ) return y & M126 # Return y mod 2**126 def l1_hash(cipher, m, iter): bytesperl1block = L1KEYLEN//8 # Max number of bytes per NH hash tmpk = kdf(cipher, 128, L1KEYLEN+128*iter) # Generate nh key fmt = '>%sQ' % str(L1KEYLEN//64) # Will unpack key block into 64-bit BE words k = struct.unpack(fmt,tmpk[-bytesperl1block:]) # Key for nh hash t = (len(m)*8+L1KEYLEN-1)//L1KEYLEN # t = ceil(bitlen(m)/L1KEYLEN) y = [] # Build up result as list of NH hashes for i in range(t): # Hash each block curpos = i * bytesperl1block # points to next hash block slen = min(bytesperl1block, len(m)-curpos) # max len, except last block padbytesneeded = (16-((slen)%16))%16 # pad to neaest 16-bytes boundary tmpstr = m[curpos:curpos+slen]+chr(0)*padbytesneeded # Extract/pad next block fmt = '<%sQ' % str(len(tmpstr)//8) # Unpack into 64-bit LE words hstr = struct.unpack(fmt,tmpstr) y.append(nh(k,hstr)) return y # Returns empty list if t == 0 def l2_hash(cipher, m, bitlen, iter): t = kdf(cipher, 192, 128 * (iter+1)) t = struct.unpack('>2Q',t[-16:]) # Generate key for poly hash k = (long(t[0] & MP) << 64) | (t[1] & MP) # Construct 128 bits key if len(m) == 0: y = k else: y = 1 # Initialize y for poly eval for x in m: # Compute polynomial using Horner's rule y = (y * k + x) % P127 return (y + ((bitlen % L1KEYLEN) << 64)) % P127 def l3_hash(cipher, m, iter): # Generate key. 1/2^55 chance that it fails the first time (and so loop) i = 1 need = iter + 1 while need > 0: t = kdf(cipher, 224, 128 * i) k = struct.unpack('>2Q',t[-16:]) # Generate key for ip hash k0 = k[0] k1 = k[1] i += 1 if (k0 < P64) and (k1 < P64): need -= 1 m0 = m // PP m1 = m % PP return ((k0 + m0) * (k1 + m1)) % P64 def vhash(cipher, m, taglen): y = [] for i in range(taglen//64): a = l1_hash(cipher,m,i) b = l2_hash(cipher,a,len(m)*8,i) # print '%X' % b y.append(l3_hash(cipher,b,i)) return y def vmac(k, m, nonce, taglen): if isinstance(k,str): cipher = rijndael.rijndael(k) # if string passed, treat as key else: cipher = k # otherwise, treat as cipher hashedmessage = vhash(cipher,m,taglen) pad = pdf(cipher,nonce,taglen) fmt = '>%sQ' % str(taglen//64) padnum = struct.unpack(fmt,pad) # Covert string to number tag = [] for i in range(taglen//64): tag.append((padnum[i] + hashedmessage[i]) & M64) return tag # VMAC Test Vectors def tohex(s): res = [] for c in s: res.append('%02X' % ord(c)) return ''.join(res) def tags(tag): s = [] for x in tag: s.append('%016X' % x) return ''.join(s) vectorkeys = [('abcdefghijklmnop','bcdefghi')] for k,n in vectorkeys: print 'Key = \'%s\' (%s)' % (k,tohex(k)) print 'Nonce = \'%s\' %s(%s)' % (n,' '*(len(k)-len(n)),tohex(n)) print '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< VMAC Test Vectors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' print 'Message 64-bit Tag 128-bit Tag' print '------- ---------- -----------' for i in [0,1,16,100,10**6]: m = 'abc'*i print '\'abc\' * %-7d %s %s' % (i, tags(vmac(k,m,n,64)), tags(vmac(k,m,n,128)))